I have a Cyclone V GT FPGA Development Board
https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/products/boards_and_kits/dev-kits/altera/kit-cyclone-v-gt.htmlThe board had a broken MAX II and MAX V due to some short circuit some years ago and the MAX II and MAX V did short the voltage reg.
The 2 chips was removed and all voltage went back to normal and the Cyclone V does work fine but need to be programmed with a external USB blaster, again that works fine...
BUT it's very slow (JTAG) compared to the on-board Blaster (which does load in parallel).
Link for schematic (page 19 shows the On-Board USB Blaster II)
https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/eval-board-schematic/c5gt_pcie_b.pdfSo I have got a new MAX II chip which I have soldered to the dev board and when using the USB cable to the board windows does recognize the uP which are on the dev board as USB interface the MAX II.
So my question is... how is the MAX II programmed on the dev board?
Is that done automatic via the USB driver and via the uP or does the it need to be programmed via JTAG somehow?
In the dev board files there are images for the MAX V and the Cyclone but nothing for the MAX II or the uP CY7C68013A, it might be proprietary
Hope it makes sense