Electronics > FPGA
Altera USB Blaster works only once
--- Quote from: mrflibble on October 15, 2013, 05:20:42 pm ---
--- Quote from: Volta500 on October 15, 2013, 04:23:05 pm ---Again, it is in my first post
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--- Quote ---Do you think getting the better blaster, like eBay auction: #111157605161 would solve it? If it does, that seems like the best way to go. Using a cheap piece of CrapBlaster. Even if we succeed in getting the cheap one to work, who knows how many other problems it will cause later on that will be more difficult to spot and leave you debugging 'till the next blue moon.
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I don't know how crap your crapblaster is, soooo no idea. Maybe someone else on here that has the same one and the same problems? I'd try to think of something else, but it's probably already in your first post. :P
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Then I will await their response. I do not mind getting a better blaster, if it really is better! Not just some weird-ass usb problem with my computer and the usb blaster is just more picky than other devices, and getting a other blaster will have no effect. That is, assuming that this carpblaster does not have other issues as well ::) It could also be the same issue as with the PICKit 3, although that is the original.
But thanks for your advice anyways! At least I have learned something about Linux and USB.
Oh, and sometimes, it is quicker to read posts, instead of asking the known ^-^
that ebay auction you linked is a newer revision... I can't tell from the picture if they cost optimized the parts or not... only way to know is to open ti up and take pictures. They might have moved parts onto tbe back.... but maybe they re-did it with a MCU or something (bad)
--- Quote from: marshallh on October 15, 2013, 10:40:11 pm ---that ebay auction you linked is a newer revision... I can't tell from the picture if they cost optimized the parts or not... only way to know is to open ti up and take pictures. They might have moved parts onto tbe back.... but maybe they re-did it with a MCU or something (bad)
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So the best option would be to get eBay auction: #280506472755 and be done with it?
You may be right about that other ebay auction being the bad version: it says rev.c, as does my crapblaster. Maybe that is just a different board design with the same components. I cracked open my bad one and found what looks like a microcontroller with the markings thoroughly rubbed of :-- and a classic 74HC244 Line driver :wtf: Is that really necessary? Otherwise the construction looks acceptable. Except for the 10-pin JTAG connector wich is hand-soldered directly to surface mount pads, although the soldering is not bad.
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