Author Topic: And the warning is gone ... Simple DivClk by N  (Read 1885 times)

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Offline tchiwamTopic starter

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And the warning is gone ... Simple DivClk by N
« on: February 01, 2023, 01:31:07 pm »
Oh well, you work late one night and you get warnings about bad coding practice, then come back during the morning and you get... no warnings anymore...   Anyway... :-//

I am playing with a SP605 spartan-6, a christmas present ...

Next step, cleaning up the trailing clk on reset to at least end on the neg edge of the i_clk... and look at the schematic of the implementation.

For some reason, Vivado can upload the bit stream, openFPGALoader and impact can't see the board...

Code: [Select]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module TestDivRN;
module divRN #(
parameter c_SIZE  = 16,
parameter c_DELAY = 0
) (
   input  wire [c_SIZE-1:0]  i_N,
  input  wire i_reset,
input  wire i_clk,
output reg  o_clk
initial o_clk = 1'b0;
reg [c_SIZE-1:0] r_count = c_DELAY;
always @ (negedge i_clk or negedge i_reset) begin
if (~i_reset) begin
o_clk <= 1'b0;
r_count <= c_DELAY;
end else begin
if (r_count == 0) begin
o_clk <= ~o_clk;
r_count <= i_N;
end else
r_count <= r_count - 1'b1;

Code: [Select]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module TestDivRN;
// Inputs
reg [15:0] i_N;
reg i_reset;
reg i_clk;
// Outputs
wire o_clk;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
divRN # (
) uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
i_reset = 0;
i_clk = 0;
i_reset = 1;
i_reset = 0;
i_reset = 1;
i_reset = 0;
i_reset = 1;

// Add stimulus here
always #5 begin
i_clk <= ~i_clk;

Offline TomS_

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Re: And the warning is gone ... Simple DivClk by N
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2023, 10:24:22 am »
Speaking generically, and I dont know if its the same cause, but I have experienced similar kinds of things over time in a variety of languages/tools.

Sometimes you have to do a "clean build" all the way from scratch, which may be a different menu/menu bar option to the standard "build" which perhaps only rebuilds parts of the code.

Perhaps you made a change to the code which fixed the error, but the standard "build" didnt actually rebuild that code, maybe because it only rebuilds the file you are currently looking at or something. So the next build doesnt actually incorporate that fix, but a "clean build" would because it will redo everything.

Thats just what I see from time to time.
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Offline jmelson

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Re: And the warning is gone ... Simple DivClk by N
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2023, 04:54:15 pm »
Speaking generically, and I dont know if its the same cause, but I have experienced similar kinds of things over time in a variety of languages/tools.

Sometimes you have to do a "clean build" all the way from scratch, which may be a different menu/menu bar option to the standard "build" which perhaps only rebuilds parts of the code.

Perhaps you made a change to the code which fixed the error, but the standard "build" didnt actually rebuild that code, maybe because it only rebuilds the file you are currently looking at or something. So the next build doesnt actually incorporate that fix, but a "clean build" would because it will redo everything.

Thats just what I see from time to time.
Yes, I have seen this a few times with Xilinx Ise tools, sometimes you get crazy results, save thw whole project, close Ise, reopen and load the .v files and than it starts working again.  This doesn't happen too often.
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Offline tchiwamTopic starter

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Re: And the warning is gone ... Simple DivClk by N
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2023, 12:56:30 pm »
I will try to post a new I am wondering issue. Made it work but this assumes a rise time will always be late on a state change. Simulation looks good so far but I know that in 74xx land I'd shoot myself in the foot and get tiny fractional glitch on the clk line.

Also if I do an async reset circuit, it insists on an inverted buffer on the clr line. I am trying to convince the end schematic to have 1 inverter to drive all the latches but the compiler is having none of it.

Offline tchiwamTopic starter

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Re: And the warning is gone ... Simple DivClk by N
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2023, 05:37:07 pm »
This is doing the right thing in simulation... But in reality I am worried about the always @o_done edge... Again no warnings...

Code: [Select]
// Burst B o_clk then wait for a reset with flip every N i_clk
module divRNRB #(
parameter c_SIZE  = 16,   // Size of the counters in bits
parameter c_DELAY = 0     // start after c_DELAY*i_clk
) (
   input  wire [c_SIZE-1:0]  i_N, // N*i_clk count before o_clk flip
input  wire [c_SIZE-1:0]  i_B, // B*o_clk then stop
  input  wire i_reset,           // async reset , o_clk does not end on a i_clk edge
input  wire i_clk,             // Input clock
output reg  o_done,            // True means ready to start again.
output reg  o_clk              // Clock burst out
initial o_clk  = 1'b0;
initial o_done = 1'b0;
reg [c_SIZE-1:0] r_clkcount   = c_DELAY;   
reg [c_SIZE-1:0] r_burstcount;
initial r_burstcount = i_B;
// Count of i_clk
always @ (negedge i_clk or negedge i_reset or posedge o_done) begin
if (~i_reset) begin
o_clk <= 1'b0;
r_clkcount <= c_DELAY;
end else begin   // Reset low state here
if (o_done) begin
o_clk <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (r_clkcount > 0)  begin
r_clkcount <= r_clkcount - 1'b1;
end else begin
o_clk <= ~o_clk;
r_clkcount <= i_N;
// Count of o_clk
always @(posedge o_clk or negedge i_reset) begin
if (~i_reset) begin
o_done <= 1'b0;
r_burstcount <= i_B;
end else begin
if (o_clk) begin
if ( r_burstcount > 0 ) begin
r_burstcount <= r_burstcount - 1'b1;
end else begin
o_done <= 1'b1;

Code: [Select]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module TestdivRNRB;

// Inputs
   reg i_reset;
reg i_clk;

// Outputs
wire o_done;
wire o_clk;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
divRNRB # (
)uut (

initial begin
i_reset = 0;
i_clk = 0;
i_reset = 1;
always #5 begin
i_clk <= ~i_clk;

Is there a way not generating warnings and errors that will simplify this schematic ?

The async reset is nice as the burst may be triggered every 1 second and having to wait >1second is not ideal.

If I use (reset) instead of (~reset) the synthesis is not happy at all...

Online BrianHG

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Re: And the warning is gone ... Simple DivClk by N
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2023, 10:26:35 pm »
I'm curious why you just didn't make a proper everything synchronous to 'negedge i_clk' ?

I mean, FPGA hate internal software generated clocks instead of enables and your potential FMAX would go through the roof while eliminating all compiler timing errors, warnings, clock domain crossings, wasted logic routing, ect...
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 01:16:34 am by BrianHG »
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