What happens to power use if instead of being asynchronous now a 100 MHz clock is used for the synchronous design? I guess because now the clock has to drive many more signals that the power increases v the undesired latched version?
You're onto something, but on a typical FPGA, the answer is a bit more complex than this.
As already said above, since there are large clock distribution trees on FPGAs, and FFs have clock input that are not necessarily gated, even when all logic cells are not used, an increased clock freq will get you a significantly increased power consumption.
So a general thought would be to use a 100 MHz clock only if you really need that for the rest of your design. Otherwise, lower the clock frequency. If there's say an external 100 MHz oscillator on your board, no problem - FPGAs have internal clock dividers, and often PLLs, which can get you lower frequencies that'll be distributed inside the FPGA.
Now if you need different frequencies for different parts of your design, that's also possible.
A thought is that if you're after "low" power consumption, Spartan-6 and Artix-7 FPGAs are not the best candidates out there. But we'd need to know your requirements, what else does it need to do apart from this quadrature decoder?