Author Topic: Books for Digital Logic Design  (Read 1769 times)

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Offline karamanyTopic starter

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Books for Digital Logic Design
« on: October 07, 2021, 11:05:12 am »
Which books for Digital Design do you recommend?
I already took a digital logic class that covered things like Combinational and Sequential Circuits,K-maps, Quine-McCluskey, FSM, Mealy and Moore and some assembly programming at the end, but I would like to read a book to cover any gaps in my knowledge.

(1)-Digital Design and Computer Architecture by David Harris.

(2)-Digital Design With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL by Morris Mano.

and if you have other suggestions please list them.


Offline Just_another_Dave

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Re: Books for Digital Logic Design
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2021, 11:58:52 am »
Last year Springer provided some books on Verilog, VHDL, digital design, etc for free. I haven’t reviewed them, but you might want to check if the can still be downloaded.

On the other hand, while I was at university, they recommended us Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach, Patterson & Hennessy; Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface, Patterson & Hennessy and Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Harris & Harris. However, I haven’t checked any of them. Additionally, the reference book for the basic digital electronics subject that I took was Digital Design and Computer Architecture (2nd Edition), David Money and Sarah Harris. Elsevier- Morgan Kauffmann, 2012

Offline rstofer

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Re: Books for Digital Logic Design
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2021, 02:19:03 pm »
There's really two types of digital design (in my view).  First, old school with integrated circuits which I suspect is pretty limited at this point and, second, HDL design for FPGAs.  THe following is related to HDL design:

There are hundreds of books to choose from.  Some on Verilog, some on VHDL and others on System Verilog.  There are also computer architecture books that provide code in one or more of the HDLs.  Harris and Harris is among them

You mentioned this book but there are two versions:  The first concentrates on the MIPS architecture, the next edition concentrates on the ARM architecture.  Either volume is good, I have both.

Code is provided for non-pipelined ARM style CPU but there is a full discussion of the design issues related to pipelining.

Basically, the designer doesn't even try to reduce the number of states or even come up with a compact state encoding.  The toolchain does all the hard work.  Karnaugh maps may be interesting but minimizing expressions is less important these days.  In fact, the intent of the code may be more apparent with less minimization.  The old "Don't get clever" approach.

You can get "Free Range VHDL" from the Internet for free.  There are web sites all over the place with tutorials on FPGA design.

You might wander through this thread:

I posted some code late in the discussion and you may find it interesting (or not!).  Read the linked documentation of the CPU first and then check out the code.  I'm, at best, a beginner in FPGA design so don't count on any clever code.  It's all straight from the documentation with no attempt to minimize anything.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 02:24:30 pm by rstofer »
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Re: Books for Digital Logic Design
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2021, 08:23:13 pm »
What is your end goal here? Is this for your career or a hobby? Are you interested in learning modern design, or are you curious about the fundamentals and the way it was done in back in the day?

Offline southport

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Re: Books for Digital Logic Design
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2021, 04:00:53 am »
I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I have basically the same question for "practical" FPGA design. One example is interfacing with DDR3 memory. Working out how many clock cycles are required for a particular read or write and making that work in a larger design isn't trivial (for me anyway!), and it took a lot of head scratching and app notes to get something to work. Are there any books or other resources that get into high speed interfaces, multiple clock strategies & CDCs, and larger design examples?

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