Author Topic: Cheap and easy way of converting Altera HSMC to Xilinx FMC?  (Read 887 times)

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Cheap and easy way of converting Altera HSMC to Xilinx FMC?
« on: October 26, 2022, 09:08:29 pm »
Hi, I have been looking at the DC2390A eval board from ADI (, and it suits my needs perfectly in every way for the task at hand.

The only problem is the board comes with a HSMC connector that is more often found in Altera dev boards, but my experience, tooling and existing dev boards are Xilinx based and only supports FMC connectors.

My question is then: anyone aware of cheap and easy to source adapters or simple hacks I can use for the conversion? I mean if I am desperate I can just solder mod wires and connect the eval board to my FPGA dev boards, but I really don't want to go that way.

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