Hi all - This may be a noob question.
I am using
ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE6 FPGA board from Aliexpress and am running into strange issues with the clock. The board has a 50 MHz oscillator which is connected to pin 23 of the FPGA.
I have a simple blinking code that I'm trying to run and here is what is happening.
Day 1 - Blink doesn't work, no matter what I try. Things I tried:
- Reduce the counter to 2 bits and use a push button switch as a fake clock. It works perfectly.
- Change IOStandard of the pins from 2.5V (default) to 3.0V and 3.3V for both (LVTTL and LVCMOS).
- Unplug the USB blaster and reconnect and re-flash. Turn the board off and on.
- Program using active serial onto EEPROM and power the board off and on.
Day 2 - I just plug it in and it works. Dont' know why. I leave it on the whole day and even modify the code a bit and flash it again. It just works. I turn it off and go to bed.
Day 3 - Stops working again. Exact same code from yesterday. Tried everything from day 1 again and doesn't work.
Here is the verilog code.
Here is the constraints file.
Here is the schematic of the board.
Question - Is the clock or some connection damaged? Should I just throw this board and use a different one? Or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
I'm using Quartus Prime 19.1 and the chip is FPGA Cyclone IV series EP4CE6E22C8N