I tried to adapt my code from the pong example
pll0 : SB_PLL40_PAD generic map (FEEDBACK_PATH -> "SIMPLE",
DIVR => "0000", -- DIVR = 0
-- DIVF => "1010011", -- DIVF = 83
DIVF => "0111000", -- DIVF = 83
DIVQ => "101", -- DIVQ = 5
port map (RESETB => '1',
BYPASS => '0',
PACKAGEPIN => clock,
PLLOUTCORE => vga_clock);
but I get this error:
Warning-1034: Found non-unate timing arc, from pin "in3" to pin "lcout" of instance "GB_BUFFER_clock_c_g_THRU_LUT4_0_LC_16", in the clock network. Converting the timing arc to positive-unate
I2108: 0 SB_IO_I3C instances present in the design. 2 I3C IOs available in the device
E2694: PLL: pll0.vga_pll_inst could not be placed
E2693: PLL placement is infeasible for the design
I2723: placment information file is dumped at : D:/didier/Developments/lattice/icecube2/vgax/vgax_Implmnt\sbt\outputs\placer\vgax.pcf
I2709: Tool unable to complete IOPlacement for the design
E2055: Error while doing placement of the design
I'm using icecube2 I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what
previously I worked with quartus prime lite and a DE 10 Lite and never had this type of problems....
the ice40up5k nice, cheap and powerful but I find lattice documentation a hell
thanks for your help
I tried Icecube2 and radiant... and block on the same problem
I'm not using icestorm simply because I program in vhdl and not verilog...