Hello there,
I have since 2 or 3 years in my shop a EBAZ4205 board.
Yesterday I powered it up and connect it to a console.
I got the linux boot message etc... til I get the prompt asking for login and password. "root/root" is not working.
Then I do the operation described here
https://github.com/xjtuecho/EBAZ4205 for resetting the root passwd.
This run smoothly but after cycling the power and normal reboot I cant use the new password I have set (login incorrect message)...
I noticed during the normal boot a line with "chpasswd". Can this explain the problem ? If yes how can I do to gain access to the embeded linux ?
I also have jffs2 error message about some nodes.
The installed system is petalinux 2016.4.
Thanks for help and advices.