We are about to release our ICE40UL1K on a PDIP PCBA and its programmer soon through crowd funding.
Very cool. Are they available for pre-order? could you message me with some more details? would love to pick one up.
Im curious about the actual FPGA on it, did you see a price increase in the FPGA itself since 2019? Im just trying to figure out if the price increase is on the dev boards only or all lattice parts. I havent bought standalone FPGAs before from lattice so I dont have anything to compare to.
@Dmeads, yes we can support this. This project has been in development for almost a year - very sad to say due to the extreme small dimensions of the FPGA onboard.
This PCBA is the size of a 8 pin PDIP device and houses the 16 ball WLCSP package, ICE40UL1K from Lattice Semiconductor. As noted, it is the born again DIPSY board which Antti Lukats had started a few years ago.
We have gone through numerous hurdles on the PCB layouts and the required assembly equipment to build with this very tiny package. The actual ICE40UL1K device is 1.4*1.4mm and has 16 pins under this bga package. We wanted to bring out a friendly version of the circuit board and the ICEPIK is this solution.
To use, simply apply 3v3 source and ground and start using inside your standard dip footprint PCB. You can test and/or program the NVCM (one time programmable memory) using our ICETRAY programming jig. Pictures (not professional) are attached.
This week, we will expand the announcement with higher quality pictures of the ICEPIK and ICETRAY along with raise the awareness on our company website. With some interest, we wish to expand to do the same for additional devices from Lattice, GoWin and others.
The most expensive component onboard is the FTDI USB to SPI bridge. However, a strong believer that compatibility is a must. Can sleep at night knowing that the ICETRAY is fully compatible with the Lattice Diamond / ICECUBE2 toolchain and should be the same with the Linux open-source variations. The FTDI controller features the MPSSE interface to permit the USB to SPI conversion.
We will offer sample code in Verilog to test out the tiny 8 pin assembled circuit boards - RGB led driver, pushbutton reading, tone generator with a piezo buzzer.
In the future, wish to try to push these goods through main stream distribution but for now, available through us.
We are a 35+ year old hardware design company and have developed a long list of designs for the PC industry for all the key industry players. You can check out a partial list on Amazon (under Softio & Axxon). These products are assembled in house and in Canada. Need to work on the crowd sourcing campaign but you can reach out to us to get an early start.
@Dmeads, wish to ask, what would you like to do with this circuit board? Are you wanting to learn about verilog and FPGA use in general? The ICE40UL1K is GPIO limited but with some creativity, can be made to do a lot. Lattice noted that they are shipping millions of these devices (WLCSP 16 ball ICE40UL1K) per DAY (yes, per DAY!!).
It is an affordable FPGA to start your experiments.