Electronics > FPGA

Efinix toolchain is now free !!

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--- Quote from: gnuarm on June 15, 2023, 06:19:03 pm ---Ok, but you don't get updates, right?

--- End quote ---
No, because I chose to not extend the license.


--- Quote from: asmi on June 15, 2023, 06:43:21 pm ---
--- Quote from: gnuarm on June 15, 2023, 06:19:03 pm ---Ok, but you don't get updates, right?

--- End quote ---
No, because I chose to not extend the license.

--- End quote ---


Re: post #16

Let me clarify, even if the license expires, the tool chain does not. You can continue to operate the tools and the programmer. You just cannot download the latest updates / patches (till you have an active license in place).

I haven't taken a close look at Efinix license stuff, but I would find it a bit odd that said license could even expire while the whole toolchain is based on open-source tools.

I think I was not hitting on all cylinders.  I didn't realize that Efinix is now giving the tools away, no license required, full stop!  From a recent email from their support guy.

--- Quote ---FPGA development made easy.  No license needed, install the app where you need it, it will work forever.  No timeout.
--- End quote ---

It's hard to beat that!


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