Electronics > FPGA

External 10Gb/s 25Gb/s ethernet phys?


I'm doing some research on supporting 10Gb/s and 25Gb/s links on an FPGA. Especially 25Gb/s becomes very expensive so I'm thinking about using an external which interfaces between an SFP port and the FPGA. Is anyone aware of suitable phys for this purpose? I already looked a bit around on Marvell's and Broadcom's websites but didn't manage to spot a device which seems suitable.

I have limited knowledge but can I ask what about marvell and broadcom make them unsuitable,
e.g looks like marvelss meet what your asking for https://www.marvell.com/transceivers/alaska-x-gbe/
There is also microsemi https://www.microsemi.com/product-directory/10g-ethernet-phys/3924-vsc8491#overview

There is lots of discussion of options for this kind of stuff on the xilinx forums,

There are modules that are meant to be fairly plug and play https://www.xilinx.com/products/boards-and-kits/1-3y8uy5.html

There are other forums discussing that you can use the marvel chips with only there public datasheets, so I assume the NDA crap is what has you on edge?

Thanks for your input! It is not that I want to avoid Marvell but NDA is a PITA indeed and I rather avoid that. Broadcom seems more like a challenge to get datasheets from especially when the volumes aren't that high. I didn't look at Microsemi yet and didn't check the Xilinx fora as well so those are good pointers.

10G is directly supported by Kintex transceivers (TRAP ALERT - watch out for right package/speed grade combination!).
On a PHY side, take a look at VSC8491 chip from Microsemi, or VSC8489 for dual-10G PHY. Hint - since Microsemi has been acquired by Microchip, search for that chip on Microchip's site instead of Microsemi's one - this way you can download full datasheets without any of Microsemi's registration crap.


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