HamsterNZ has a VHDL implementation of a low end RISC-V core. He is a major contributor to this forum.
https://github.com/hamsternz/Rudi-RV32I/tree/master/src/cpuUnfortunately (for you), it is written in VHDL and, additionally, I don't believe there is any way in hell a newcomer is going to create a RISC-V core. It gets a lot of pixels in this forum as a startup project but I think it takes a whole lot more experience. But that's just my opinion and I haven't actually tried it.
There are fundamental building blocks you need to be able to create and most are easy (MUX, Decoder, counter, register) but the big one is the Finite State Machine. I prefer the two process approach but the case can be made for a one process or even a three process approach. All of the real work gets done in a FSM.
Again, it's VHDL but you might take a look at VHDLwhiz.com. He has some great tutorials and most of the effort centers around simulation. Alas, it's VHDL...
I don't have it but maybe this book will have something worthwhile:
https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Architecture-Tutorial-Using-FPGA-ebook/dp/B08GK4HNMCThis book revolves around creating an ARM processor and code is provided in System Verilog and VHDL. The book discusses pipelining but the code doesn't support it. There is a matching book by the same authors that talks about MIPS processors.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0128000562Here's a book about the Z80 processor and Verilog written by the guy who designed the Z80. He does all of the design with spreadsheets and then implements the code. Since the Z80 is more of a CISC processor, the number of states per instruction can get quite high.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0963013351Writing the code is easy, it's designing the system that is hard. Unless somebody hands you the block diagram and state table, you need to be able to create these on your own.
Most of the folks around here aren't impressed with the LC3 because they can implement the RISC-V. I'm not sure I could.
These projects (LC3 and LC3b) are taught in many universities and there is a book, actually two books:
https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Computing-Systems-Gates-Beyond/dp/0072467509 -- this book discusses the LC3, a simple 16 bit RISC machine
https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Computing-Systems-Gates-Beyond-ebook/dp/B07VWKMJBX -- I'm not sure if the 3d edition describes the LC3b
The LC3b is byte addressable and includes more instructions - a much better CPU
You can get an idea about the LC3 from
https://justinmeiners.github.io/lc3-vm/supplies/lc3-isa.pdfhttp://people.cs.georgetown.edu/~squier/Teaching/HardwareFundamentals/LC3-trunk/docs/LC3-uArch-PPappendC.pdfYou can find similar documents for the LC3b but the ones I found omit the interrupt system.
The reason I tout the LC3 is that the book goes from bits and gates up through ISA design and on to a complete hardware diagram and a form for microcoding. We could use microcoding in an FPGA but more likely not. I didn't... The book is for a class on system design so everything is spoon fed. No assumptions are made about design capabilities. No HDL is given, you take the hardware diagram and start coding. The FSM will be written directly from the state diagram.