Electronics > FPGA

FPGA & CPLD Marking & Part Number - Replacement


I have the below FPGA and CPLD. The CPLD writes on it some codes as the FPGA as well. Could you tell me if the part numbers where I have found are right? Also, the FPGAs from the AliExpress and ebay are trusted or it depends or absolutely No?

CPLD Part Number: XC2C64A-7VQG100C

FPGA Part Number: XC4VSX35-11FF668C (can I will use the XC4VSX35-11FF668I (I = Industrial) where it has Temperature Range: (TJ = –40°C to +100°C) or it has and other differences?

XC4VSX35-11FF668I - aliexpress

XC4VSX35-11FF668C - ebay

XC4VSX35-11FFG668C  & XC2C64A-7VQG100C,This is the correct PCN. Our company often uses WHL to test it. It is relatively safe. The ones on these shopping websites are not reliable. If you need, we can communicate more.

G is lead FREE as I read on the datasheet, so if I buy this XC4VSX35-11FF668C without G it will be a problem? I believe the only difference is the soldering temperature profile because this part number without G will have lead on soldering balls.

It depends on your country's environmental regulations.


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