First off, If this question is in the wrong forum, I apologize. This might be a better question in the newbie forum. My son and I have matching higher end portable radios. We enjoyed talking on them often as he did not live far from me. A short while before he passed there was a firmware upgrade that had become available. So he went ahead and flashed his radio which for some reason did not complete the upgrade. These radios have Cyclone III FPGAs and an Max II epm240's along with 64MB Spansion flash chips. I have taken other radios that have bricked and swapped the firmware from a working radio to the bricked one before the revive it and was wondering about how one would go about doing that to one that has FPGA's. If it were an Arm processor it would be quite easily to revive it. I have read a great deal and learned quite alot about FPGAs, but I just can't seem to find the information I am looking for to help me accomplish this task. I have everything I need to do it. A real Usb-blaster, Quartus 13.1 web, and exact chip support. I also have found Verilog files for the Spansion flash Which is a nor flash. I don't really need the other radio but would really like to get it repaired just because. The manufacturer has end-of-lifed these radios and no longer offer support for them. I was hoping that some kind soul could steer me in the correct direction about how this would need to be accomplished. I can query the FPGAs in quartus programmer and they show up correctly, but only the epm240 allows me to examine it and save the pof file but the flash does not show up. Sorry for the long read.