I recently read some old xc9536 chips that I wanted to modify. I could do this using ISE and Impact via JTAG. I read the xc9536 in jed format and burnt it to different new xc9536 to check that the dump was good.
Now I'd like to modify the contents and add one or two things. Appartenly Xilinx or DATA I/O Abel is able to do that. I have been trying to find the software but it's nowhere to be downloaded. I found some version on archive.org inside some maganize CD that has an evalutaion version. Unfortunately this evaluation version does not support the xc9000 family and goes up to xc7000 only. Apparently the file that I need is called jed2abel.exe which seems to be there and work well, but it complains that it needs the .dev file for this family and I can't find it anywhere. I only need to convert 2 jed files to something that can be edited / understood and then I'll "compile" again using Impact / ISE 10.1, but I need those equations first. Can someone help me to find that library or could someone convert those files for me? Apparently only version 6 o ABEL supports that family.
Thanks in advance!