Electronics > FPGA
Help finding a small and low cost programable logic IC.
I am looking for a programmable logic IC (FPGA, PLD, CPLD, etc) for a hobby project. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
1. Runs on 3.3v.
2. Does not require additional ICs (LDOs, FLASH, etc).
3. Contains the non volatile memory (vs soft programming on boot).
3. Has an internal clock generator.
4. Free design tools.
5. Low cost programmer.
6. Low cost IC, and available in unit quantities.
7. Preference for a small package with a few I/O pins.
8. Logic complexity is minimal.
9. Security and code protection not an issue.
10. OTP is also OK.
11. Power consumption is not an issue.
Alternatively I could use a fast MCU, with a tiny program, but it needs to have a fast clock, e.g. 100+ MHZ. The RP2040 could be a good fit, especially with its PIO, but it requires an external flash.
What is "Logic complexity is minimal"? How minimal? You need to provide at least an idea of what that logic would be doing.
I'm personally a fan of MachXO2 FPGAs. HC series runs from a single voltage and they have internal flash. They are available down to QFN32 packages.
--- Quote from: ataradov on November 22, 2023, 03:32:47 am ---What is "Logic complexity is minimal"? How minimal? You need to provide at least an idea of what that logic would be doing.
I'm personally a fan of MachXO2 FPGAs. HC series runs from a single voltage and they have internal flash. They are available down to QFN32 packages.
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I don't know how to quantify it but really simple, to a point that every FPGA should be able to handle the complexity.
As for the MachX02, are you referring to these? https://www.latticesemi.com/~/media/LatticeSemi/Documents/DataSheets/MachXO23/MachXO2FamilyDataSheet.pdf
One of the requirements is to have an internal clock generators (the higher the better, e.g. preferably > 20Mhz). Looking at table 1-1, the XO2-256 XO2-640, do not have PLLs. Does it mean that they don't have generators? What about the ones with PLLs such as XO2-1200 (32 QFN), does this imply that they have a clock generator?
Also, what solftware and what low cost programmer can I use to design and program respectivly?
--- Quote from: zapta on November 22, 2023, 05:37:29 am ---One of the requirements is to have an internal clock generators (the higher the better, e.g. preferably > 20Mhz). Looking at table 1-1, the XO2-256 XO2-640, do not have PLLs. Does it mean that they don't have generators? What about the ones with PLLs such as XO2-1200 (32 QFN), does this imply that they have a clock generator?"
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Read "On-chip Oscillator" section. It has internal oscillator that is configurable from ~2 MHz to 133 MHz.
--- Quote from: zapta on November 22, 2023, 05:37:29 am ---Also, what solftware and what low cost programmer can I use to design and program respectivly?
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Lattice Diamond for the software and some cheap knock-off programmer from aliexpress. This one https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256802957528698.html or any other version, they are all basically the same.
And if you just want programming without any advanced debug features (not that you will get many on a low end device anyway), then you can use any hardware supported by OpenOCD and OpenOCD. This can be as cheap as $5 for Pi Pico.
Thanks Alex. The internal oscilator is exactly what I need, so since PLL is not needed I can go with this one https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/lattice-semiconductor-corporation/LCMXO2-256HC-4SG32C/3232671
I presume that the programmer is in circuit which is also good.
Do you happen to have a schematic of a simple breadboard that shows the basic connections, power, ground, JTAG, and anything else that is needed to support this FPGA?
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