hello all! I hope you are staying healthy in this sad time. My state in the U.S. is making us all stay home, so lots of time to work on FPGAs for me
Im working on understanding timing constraints in Vivado.
basically here is what I have come up with from research
Good timing constraints practice
1). First, define and constrain the clocks in your design
2). Group signal paths (global/specific)
3). assign global constraints (before synthesis)
4). assign detailed path constraints
I made a simple design to play with. It consists of 2 registers with a few not gates between them. Input is clock and a switch, output is an LED. (code at bottom)
I made two constraints (XDC) files: timing and physical.
In the timing file i just put
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 8.00 -waveform {0 4} [get_ports { clk }];
I didnt include anything else (input/output delays) because the external inputs/outputs aren't synchronous or using a clock domain common to the FPGA.
In the physical constraints file I mapped the pins to the top module ports.
The picture attached is what I got out of my post-synthesis timing report:
Since WNS, WHS, and WPWS are all positive, then everything is okay right?
My questions are:
-for my simple RTL code, is my timing constraints file accurate (just the create_clock constraint)?
-is what i did considered a (very basic) static timing analysis?
-what other timing constraints would be useful in my design?
-is the order of the good practices (above) correct?
Thank you and stay healthy!!!
module top(
input clk,
input SW0,
output LED0
reg R1,R2; //synchronous registers
reg a,b,c,d; // used for combinational logic
always @ (posedge clk) // pipeline
R1 <= SW0;
R2 <= R1;
always @ (*) // combinational logic inbetween R1 and R2
a = ~R1;
b = ~a;
c = ~b;
d = ~c;
assign LED0 = R2;