Somebody asked me how this CORDIC code works to calculate SIN() and COS() from a phase angle, using only addition, subtraction, and division by a power of two. So I've made the visual analogy that I've been thinking about of a while...
Have a look at the first picture.
How it's constructed: It starts with a right angled triangle with two sides of equal length, so a 45 degree angle.
On its hypotenuse is another right angled triangle, and its short side is 1/2th the length of the first triangle's hypotenuse. It has an angle of 26.56 degrees.
On that triangle's hypotenuse is another right angled triangle, and it's short side 1/4th of the previous triangle's hypotenuse. It has an angle of 13.50 degrees
On that triangles's hypotenuse is another right angled triangle, and it's short side 1/8th of the previous trangle's hypotenuse. It has an angle of 7.10 degrees
On that triangles's hypotenuse is another right angled triangle, and it's short side 1/16th of the previous trangle's hypotenuse. It has an angle of 3.57 degrees
So laid out like in the first image, it has a total angle of 45.0 + 26.56 + 13.59 + 7.13 + 3.57 = 95.85 degrees.
So far pretty boring, but the key to CORDIC is that you can fold the paper!
Because of this you can get 32 different angles between -95.85 degrees and +95.85 degrees, with the angles of (+/- 45.0 +/- 26.56 +/- 13.59 +/- 7.13 +/- 3.57).
The second photo has an example of
45.0 - 26.56 + 13.59 + 7.13 + 3.57 = 42.73 degrees.
That is what this bit of the code is doing. It is deciding which way to add the triangle (clockwise or counter-clockwise) to get closer to the desired angle, then calculates where the corner of this new triangle will be.
if remainder(i) < 0 then
remainder(i+1) <= remainder(i) + angles(i);
x(i+1) <= x(i) + y(i)(19 downto i+1);
y(i+1) <= y(i) - x(i)(19 downto i+1);
remainder(i+1) <= remainder(i) - angles(i);
x(i+1) <= x(i) - y(i)(19 downto i+1);
y(i+1) <= y(i) + x(i)(19 downto i+1);
end if;
If the error between the current angle and the angle we want is < 0, then it adds (y(i), -x(i)) scaled by 1/2^n onto (x(i),y(i)) to get (x(i+1),y(i+1))
If the error between the current angle and the angle we want is >= 0, then it adds (-y(i), x(i)) scaled by 1/2^n onto (x(i),y(i)) to get (x(i+1),y(i+1))
Both paths also updates the error angle using a lookup table 'angles', ready for the next, narrower triangle to be added.
As the process repeats, the error value gets "driven to zero", and the last x() and y() values are a scaled cosine and sine of the 'angle' phase angle input.
My code is just a little bit different, as it first decides what quadrant the angle is in, then works from the diagonal of that quadrant to the desired angle, so starts with the 26.56 degree triangle. It also start of at (+/-30000,+/-30000) so the output range for the sin() and cos() values will be close to +/-32767.
Full code for the module is here:
library IEEE;
entity sin_cos is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
de_in : in std_logic;
angle : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (19 downto 0);
de_out : out std_logic := '0';
sine : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (19 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
cosine : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (19 downto 0) := (others=>'0'));
end sin_cos;
architecture Behavioral of sin_cos is
type a_int is array(0 to 15) of integer;
constant angles : a_int := ( 77376, 40884, 20753, 10417,
5213, 2607, 1304, 652,
326, 163, 81, 41,
20, 10, 5, 3);
type a_value is array(0 to angles'high+1) of signed(19 downto 0);
signal de_sr : std_logic_vector(angles'high+1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal remainder : a_value := (others => (others => '0'));
signal x : a_value := (others => (others => '0'));
signal y : a_value := (others => (others => '0'));
de_out <= de_sr(de_sr'high);
sine <= std_logic_vector(x(x'high));
cosine <= std_logic_vector(y(y'high));
if rising_edge(clk) then
for i in 0 to angles'high loop
de_sr(i+1) <= de_sr(i);
if remainder(i) < 0 then
remainder(i+1) <= remainder(i) + angles(i);
x(i+1) <= x(i) + y(i)(19 downto i+1);
y(i+1) <= y(i) - x(i)(19 downto i+1);
remainder(i+1) <= remainder(i) - angles(i);
x(i+1) <= x(i) - y(i)(19 downto i+1);
y(i+1) <= y(i) + x(i)(19 downto i+1);
end if;
end loop;
de_sr(0) <= de_in;
if de_in = '1' then
case angle(angle'high downto angle'high-1) is
when "00" => x(0) <= to_signed( 300000,20); y(0) <= to_signed( 300000,20); remainder(0) <= signed(angle) - x"20000";
when "01" => x(0) <= to_signed(-300000,20); y(0) <= to_signed( 300000,20); remainder(0) <= signed(angle) - x"60000";
when "10" => x(0) <= to_signed(-300000,20); y(0) <= to_signed(-300000,20); remainder(0) <= signed(angle) - x"A0000";
when others => x(0) <= to_signed( 300000,20); y(0) <= to_signed(-300000,20); remainder(0) <= signed(angle) - x"E0000";
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;