Vivado does work on Linux. I've tested on both Ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 20, but I do think the support for 20 was rather recent. They have a list of supported distros but I believe it's either Ubuntu, RHEL, or Suse Enterprise.
I read on their forums installing on Debian is just a matter of changing a one liner in a bash script.
And for the person who started the thread everyone is going to say do Verilog or do VHDL. I recommend you just look on something like Indeed and see what companies near you use. Pick the one they do. In terms of getting started I'll give you the free online sources I know of. I'd also see if they ask for experience with Intel/Alterra or Xilinx/AMD. If they want Alterra install Quartus and use that toolchain, and if they want Xilinx install Vivado. Optionally start with the Lattice tools because they're cheap
1. Nandland ( - Excellent source for beginner and intermediate tutorials in both written and video format. He has a Lattice dev board that he talks you through using as well, highly recommend starting here.
2. Asic World ( - Awesome reference for all things HDL. He does a lot of stuff for Design verification alongside tutorials for Verilog, System Verilog, VHDL, and others. I can only vouch for Verilog and System Verilog but it's a great reference
3. ZipCPU ( - His beginner tutorial I'd argue is much more than a beginner guide, but an excellent series none the less. He teaches you how to write Verilog, do C++ simulation via a simulator called Verilator, and how to do formal proofs. One of the highest quality series out there, but Verilator is a tool that is more niche than just writing your testbench in the HDL you'll be using (Verilog or VHDL). If you find you like this stuff I recommend you check him out