What you have should be fine, but, for something a little more critical, I used this circuit:
(nCONFIG reboots the FPGA, reloading from the boot-prom and makes everything into a known state.)
Attach the 'V5' to your DC input, it may be 12v or 5v or 21v, as long as it has some sort of regulation. (Increase the voltage of cap C380 for higher voltage support.)
The nCONFIG will be pulled low during power-up for ~50ms, and it will be held low as the V5 terminal drops by a volt over 100ms or faster.
As a bonus, if your drive the 'SELF_REBOOT' with a 1-10KHz digital square wave, by the ~5th oscillation, the nCONFIG will be driven low and further held low for ~10ms allowing you to software drive a cold-boot. (This by design required oscillation prevents accidental self-reboot during power-up software setting of FPGA IOs, their tri-states and driven values.)
In my above scope shot, this circuit would have triggered and held the nCONFIG low by around ~2ms all the way on the left as the cyan blue trace was falling before the yellow 3.3v trace has even begun to fall at 4ms.