Author Topic: Intel Quartus Prime Pro - How is Modelsim-Altera supposted to work?  (Read 2103 times)

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Offline fchkTopic starter

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I'm still exploring the new world of Intel/Altera FPGAs and Quartus Prime. My design uses a Cyclone 10 GX, so I have to use the Pro version. Thankfully, Quartus Prime Pro is free when only using Cyclone 10 GX.

I've written some small projects, and they compile. However, I don't find the menuitem to start the supplied Altera Modelsim Starter Edition with my design. The Quartus Prime Lite version has "Tools" -> "Run Simulation Tool" -> "RTL Simulation", but this whole menu item "Run Simulation Tool" is missing in the Pro version.

Why?  |O

How am I supposed to run Modelsim-Altera then?

Offline Giaime

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Re: Intel Quartus Prime Pro - How is Modelsim-Altera supposted to work?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2019, 10:56:00 am »

Check step 2. I had this issue when I first started with Quartus Prime Lite. Maybe it's a similar issue with the Pro: when fresh installed, there's no EDA tool pre-defined, even if it comes bundled with Modelsim  :palm:

Offline LeoTech

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Re: Intel Quartus Prime Pro - How is Modelsim-Altera supposted to work?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2019, 07:26:05 pm »
Why?  |O

How am I supposed to run Modelsim-Altera then?

I had the exact same experience when I started to use Quartus.

My solution was/is to have a project open in Modelsim simultaneously with a project in Quartus. Both projects contain the same files.
For a quick compilation - error checking - I run the Modelsim compiler, as it is far faster, but doesn't catch all errors.
I would always simulate directly in Modelsim, but use Quartus to do the main work - actually writing the hdl - as the editor and interface is superior imho.
To see whether or not 'hardware' actually works on an FPGA I run the Quartus compiler.

Btw, the compilation error report is far better in Quartus compiler than Modelsim.

Check step 2. I had this issue when I first started with Quartus Prime Lite. Maybe it's a similar issue with the Pro: when fresh installed, there's no EDA tool pre-defined, even if it comes bundled with Modelsim  :palm:

I will definitely try that!

High School student with a passion and interest in electronics, both analog and digital!

Offline Giaime

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Re: Intel Quartus Prime Pro - How is Modelsim-Altera supposted to work?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2019, 01:03:32 pm »
I had the exact same experience when I started to use Quartus.

My solution was/is to have a project open in Modelsim simultaneously with a project in Quartus.

I think that's a bit cumbersome. I do all analysis & synthesis in Quartus, then I launch Modelsim from the command bar (see attached image). Please note that I might have re-arranged the buttons, so it could be that your command bar looks different.
After I take a look to the results, I close Modelsim, then I just re-launch it to make a new simulation.
It helps to have simulation tcl scripts setup for example to determine the simulation length and the "" file (where xx is whatever) that configures how to view the waveforms.

Offline fchkTopic starter

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Re: Intel Quartus Prime Pro - How is Modelsim-Altera supposted to work?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2019, 09:21:01 am »
Thanks for help.

I've tried the example but the link to the sample archive doesn't work - it takes me to the wiki but does not download anything.


Offline Giaime

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Re: Intel Quartus Prime Pro - How is Modelsim-Altera supposted to work?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2019, 03:32:41 pm »
Thanks for help.

I've tried the example but the link to the sample archive doesn't work - it takes me to the wiki but does not download anything.

Classic Intel documentation issues. Try to find example programs to play around elsewhere on the web.

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