Electronics > FPGA

Intel to Purchase Altera?

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No mention on other news websites.

Just a rumor, but an interesting one. I have also heard the rumor of Samsung buying AMD. That would give Intel some heartburn.

Oh let the FPGA DSP shit storm begin.


--- Quote from: photon on March 27, 2015, 09:15:24 pm ---Just a rumor, but an interesting one. I have also heard the rumor of Samsung buying AMD. That would give Intel some heartburn.

--- End quote ---

doubt it, someone else buying AMD invalidates AMD's x86 license (as I udnerstand it), which leave what, the  ATI stuff and not much else.


--- Quote from: BloodyCactus on March 27, 2015, 11:08:31 pm ---
--- Quote from: photon on March 27, 2015, 09:15:24 pm ---Just a rumor, but an interesting one. I have also heard the rumor of Samsung buying AMD. That would give Intel some heartburn.

--- End quote ---

doubt it, someone else buying AMD invalidates AMD's x86 license (as I udnerstand it), which leave what, the  ATI stuff and not much else.

--- End quote ---
Interesting. I did not know that.


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