I been sending and receiving data threw a FT232H as a fifo but with some errors in the data being received by the FT232h. Its a DE0 Nano and the clock signal coming in from the FT232h is at 60MHz. I am new to FPGAs and wondering if its bad timing in the verlog code or if the fpga can not drive the wires fast enough. I added a 100k resistor between some of the data pins and the number of errors did not change. It seems to be an error every so 1000 bytes but has no visible pattern. When I send all 0s the errors disappear and stranger it does not just seem to be the amount of data sent that gets corrupted but also the number of bytes received being 0-10 bytes off from what was expected. One of my main thoughts was that possibly my timing with the RXF was broken as it seems to turns on every 1000 or so bytes as well so the FT232H can send its buffer threw its USB but in all my changes with the timing it has not changed and I don't know why what data I send would change that unless it did compression but I don't think it does. Ill post my verlog code and my wiring setup down bellow. Its all quire messy and I really just goal on getting it to work before I improve it but any recommendations on how to improve it elsewhere is also quite helpful. Knowing what I can do to determine what is the cause or better yet fix it would be awesome. I thank you so much. Its been a week of slightly tweeking verlog code with no results.
module FIFO(inout wire[7:0] DATA, output wire RXS, output wire TXS, output wire OE, input wire RXF, input wire TXF, input wire clk, output reg[7:0] recive_data, input wire[7:0] transmitt_data, input wire transmitt_enable, output wire next, output reg skip);
wire readMode;
//Only driving the inout when transmitting
assign DATA = transmitt_enable ? transmitt_data : 8'bZ;
//Read when not transmitting and there is data to be read.
assign readMode = (transmitt_enable == 0) && (RXF == 0);
//OE is if we are reading (inverted)
assign OE = ~readMode;
//Recive Strobe when reading (inverted)
assign RXS = ~canRead;
//Transmit Strobe when transmit is enabled and the fifo has room. (inverted)
assign TXS = ~(transmitt_enable & (TXF == 0));
//If we are able to read. (Used to skip 1 clock cylce so OE can take effect)
reg canRead;
//Is used for telling the system that the byte has been sent and to move to the next one.
reg writeNext;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if(readMode == 0) begin
//Clear canRead if we reached the end of the transmition and cler the next bit
canRead <= 0;
writeNext <= 0;
end else begin
//If can read is set trigger to read the next bit and write it to the data buss. otherwise set it this clock cycle
if(canRead) begin
recive_data <= DATA;
writeNext <= 1;
end else begin
canRead <= 1;
//Go to the next byte if done writing or done transmitting on clock negative edge
assign next = (writeNext & (~clk)) | (transmitt_enable & (~clk));
//Wait a clock cycle to clear the skip bit.
always @ (*) begin
if(TXF) begin
skip = 1;
end else if(~clk) begin
skip = 0;