So I have a board that has a camera outputting pixels at 96Mhz rate, SDRAM that runs on 143MHz , and a Cyclone IV EP4CE22E22C6 to whom the peripherals are connected to. The goal is pretty straight forward - transfer data from the camera to SDRAM. The FPGA has some amount of internal RAM memory, but not enough to store the whole image. What would be the best way to approach this problem? At the moment I'm thinking of inferring a dual port dual clock RAM on the FPGA as a buffer between these two peripherals, where one side can only write and the other side can only read + additional communication to control this interface.
I was also thinking of some request signal from the camera controller side, where the rising edge would indicate new data, and then the SDRAM could do one write and wait for the next rising edge, but this is not really optimal as SDRAM could go into refresh state and will definitely miss data, and would not really work in case when I would want to read from the SDRAM.
Thanks for your suggestions in advance!