I am using Lattice iCECube2 to generate the Bitmap file for the iCE5LP4k FPGA, WLC36 type. I'm having a hard time trying to simply setting up an output pin.
In my TopLevel.v
module Top_level (
output myOut;
assign myOut = 2'b10;
And in the .pcf constraint file I set the output pin C1
set_io myOut C1
And I first have this warning
W2806: Disabling output for IO myOut_pad since its DOUT0, DOUT1 and OUTPUTENABLE pins are dangling. Changed its output pintype to output disable (0000)
followed by the errors:
Error during automatic placement
I2723: placment information file is dumped at : C:/lscc/iCEcube2.2017.08/sbt_backend/Projects/virgin_code/virgin_code_Implmnt\sbt\outputs\placer\Top_level.pcf
I2709: Tool unable to complete IOPlacement for the design
E2055: Error while doing placement of the design