Electronics > FPGA

Modelsim Altera Edition 6.4a from Altera Quartus II 9.0



I use Altera Quartus II 9.0 because it is the last version that supports Flex 10K, I installed Modelsim Altera Edition 6.4a Starter Edition (the version that is bundled
with Quartus II 9.0) in c:\altera\9.0\modelsim_ase, after installed, if I erase the 0-byte file c:\altera\9.0\modelsim_ase\tcl\.awe file (file is exactly named .awe, with 0 bytes) then
Modelsim reverts to a full version but gives the error "license invalid" when I try to simulate a file. Does someone any way to patch a binary file belonging to ModelSim like the patch
done in Quartus II 9.0? (the specific patched file of Quartus II 9.0 is file c:\altera\9.0\quartus\bin\sys_cpt.dll).
ModelSim SE, XE... can work with an good license.dat file, but ModelSim Altera Edition not.

Does someone have the file 90sp2_dsp_builder_windows.exe (106965748 bytes)? I have searched Internet but no luck, ftp.altera is long gone. I need specifically this file.


Solved this matter:

Run and modelsim_ase_windows.exe (free edition), delete the file .awe (0 bytes) located in c:\altera\9.0\modelsim_ase\tcl,
copy mentorkg.exe in c:\altera\9.0\modelsim_ase\win32aloem and run inside such directory: "mentorkg -patch . -o license.dat"
and create the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\altera\9.0\modelsim_ase\win32aloem\license.dat

ModelSim SE has the menu "Simulate -> Design Optimization..." active, but ModelSim Altera Edition and ModelSim Altera Starter Edition not,
is ModelSim Altera edition restricted when compared with ModelSim SE?

 The modelsim starter edition has a few advanced missing functions and if you simulate from Alter'a Quartus menu, it simulates large designs slowly, like 1/4 speed.  (Large designs meaning simulating tens of thousands of nanoseconds.)

If you learned how to use modelsim from it's console command line and setup/compile everything there, then the simulation slowdown appears to be bypassed and large simulations will run at full speed.  Probably some sort of oversight, but even Modelsim 20 SE even runs at full speed when operating it from the command line.

I wonder if the Flex 10k libs are still included with the latest modelsim.  If not, you probably just need to copy over the right group of include files from the lib folder.

Modelsim Altera 9.0 only includes Altera Flex10KE libraries, but ModelSim Altera 9.1 not.
Where to find Altera Flex10K libraries (not Altera Flex10KE)?

When simulating in Quartur, in one of Quartus' temp or sim directories in you project's folder, Quartus will have generated a models sim xxxxxxxx.do script ascii file.  This is the file which tells modelsim what to compile and simulate when starting up.  Inside that xxxxxx.do file, there should be a compile line with something like:

--- Quote ---vsim -t 1ps -L altera_ver -L lpm_ver -L sgate_ver -L altera_mf_ver -L altera_lnsim_ver -L cycloneive_ver -L work -voptargs="+acc"  Your_source_project_name_tb
--- End quote ---

All the -L are the added libraries.  In the case of my example line above, the example 'cycloneive_ver' specifies the use of the Cyclone 4E libraries and the -L lpm_ver / altera_mf_ver appear to specify the available megafunctions.  You should be able to search the 'Flex_10k' used library names and find them in modelsim's source folder libraries which you can transfer over to other versions of modelsim.  Careful not to overwrite newer libraries.  Keep original backups of any experiments you do.


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