Hi all,
this is my first post here, very happy and excited to be part of this wonderfuf community!
Finally I'm doing my first FPGA design (after tons with simpler CPLDs)
I'm targeting a MAX10 FPGA (10M08SCE144C8G is the exact part name).The design will be a kind of replacement installed on an old computer (mostly made with TTL logics).I have read the Intel® MAX® 10 guidelines and I want to feed the FPGA with a 6MHz clock signal coming from the old TTL hosting hardware.Should I simply connect this signal to one of the clock input of the MAX10 FPGA (for example pin 27 CLK0p like I did it in my schematics which I attach) or connect the signal to all 8 clock inputs CLK[3..0][p,n] so that they can drive all GCLK networks?
Other doubts concern the connection of the Configuration/JTAG Pins (CONFIG_SEL, CONFIG_DONE, JTAGEN, etc), I followed the guidelines but perhaps I missed something.I attach the schematics of the design hoping someone will shed light on this.Thanks in advance!