Electronics > FPGA

New Verilog: Incrementing without getting continous assignment conflict

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I'm trying to code my logic and struggling due to my lack of verilog experience...

So in a simplified version... I have two buses... one always outputs the value of the video_out register... the other bus can be either in or out... when it is out it outputs the video_out register... when it is in it is Z and a new value can be presented and latched in on a +ve edge of latch_i.

--- Code: ---module MyThing(data_iob, video_iob, tri_i, latch_i);

// Input Port(s)
input tri_i;
input latch_i;

// Output Port(s)
inout [7:0] data_iob;

// Inout Port(s)
inout [7:0] video_iob;

reg [7:0] video_out = 8'h01;

assign data_iob = video_out;

assign video_iob = tri_i ? 8'bZZZZZZZZ : video_out;

always @(posedge latch_i)
video_out = video_iob;

--- End code ---

That all works fine... but I have a new and slightly obscure requirement...

Additionally I need the value of the video_out register to increment on +ve edge of tri_i.

i.e. You can get it to increment simply by toggling tri_i and you will get the output on data_iob immediately and then on the same value presented on video_iob when it flips to output.

I tried adding...

--- Code: ---always @(posedge tri_i)
video_out = video_out+8'b1;
--- End code ---

but that results in...

Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "video_out[1]" at MyThing.sv(24)
Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "video_out[0]" at MyThing.sv(24)

I can see why that might be a problem but cannot think my way around it... Any hint appreciated.

Something like

--- Code: ---always @(posedge tri_i or posedge latch_i)
  if (latch_i)
      video_out <= video_iob;
video_out <= video_out+8'b1;

--- End code ---
It is not exactly the same, since latch would have a priority over tri.

Also note non-blocking assignments for the sequential logic.

But the whole logic is strange. If you are implementing that in FPGA, then you can't use Z for anything other than signals going outside of the device. So, latching video_iob into video_out when tri_i is high, does not make sense.

The other bus is active regardless of whether tri is high or low.

If tri_i is high, then wire video_iob would be 8'bZZZZZZZZ. When posedge latch_i happens,  it would have to do "video_out = video_iob;", which would require it to latch ZZZ into internal latch. This is not possible in FPGA.

Looking good

The intention with the Zs was to make video_iob an input.  Maybe I got that bit wrong?


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