No Idea on how to compile chisel to Verilog, if anyone knows something please point it out for the berkeley-hardfloat on GitHub
So we can take a look at it, also I have found this useful open-source FPU, it's not what I wanted to accept data on every cycle, But it has low area and good speed, it can reach 150MHz on Gowin.
You generate Verilog from chisel by ... running chisel. That's its purpose.
Well, these days chisel itself generates FIRRTL (Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL), and then you run various optimizations on the FIRRTL (including such things as optimizing for SoC or for FPGA, and then you convert the FIRRTL to Verilog or I think VHDL is also an option.
You can also I believe convert Verilog or VHDL to FIRRTL for optimization.