A script simulating raw to POF conversion as done by AMAX70.exe during read (all those bit tables are ripped from exe).
The output is not a full POF, just the data block as seen by exe. The programming function appears to be doing a reverse mapping using same tables.
A "row" in script's terminology is a full content of a single address (all SDINx-SDOUTx chains together, 2x80 bits), while a "plane" is an array connected to a single SDIN-SDOUT.
Yep, great work

I recognise the various tables, but had never got to the point of trying to convert them back as C structs (which Ghidra can do).
From a pervious posting (of mine)
EPM7032LC44 - data length 1846 (compiled using Max+Plus 9.3)
From your extracted tables
EPM7032 = Device("EPM7032", "ALTERA92", [b]14672[/b], 2, 8, BlockTable7032)
14672 / 8 => 1834
1834 + 12 => 1846 , where 12 are the header bytes of the POF data section. These differ very slightly for different devices. Ties in nicely.
My best guess (based on disasembly)
Block(88, 1, 7040, 0, 80, BitTable0),
Each table entry controls the POF to SDINA/B mapping for a block of EEPROM addresses. There are 8 sections (as I call them) or table entries if you prefer. If you examine the blank check waveforms closely you can see "changes". The first 88 blocks are 80 bits on both SDINA and SDINB, but the later sections only program 16 or 8 bits, so appear shortened in the waveform trace.
first column = number of EEPROM blocks (different addresses) in this section
second column = not sure, but I see you call it
planethird colum =some kind of bit offset into the POF, I see you call it
plane_start_bit fourth column = address of first EEPROM block in this section
fifth column = number of serial bits on SDINA (and B) for each block (80, 16 or 8 )
sixth column = pointer to bit translation/mapping table.
BlockTablePlaneA =bit translation/mapping for data to be shifted in on SDINA
BlockTablePlaneB = ditto ... SDINB
Block(88, 0, 0, 0, 80, BitTable0),
The first section (as I called it) starts with address 0x00 and goes to address 87 (0x57). There are 80 bits shifted in on SDINA. Mapping table is BitTable0.
Since the 7032 has 32 macrocells, we might guess that two EEPROM blocks (160 bits) are allocated per macrocell (but this is just a guess).
From the 1993 databook "
MAX7000 EPLDs contain from 32 to 256 macrocells that are combined into groups called Logic Array Blocks (LABs).".
Block(12, 0, 0, 0x62, 16, BitTable62),
The second block is special in that the start address is 0x62, but the sequence of addresses is not sequential but a secondary table is used (
Block62AddrTable). There are 12 blocks in this section and only 16 bits are shifted in on SDINA.
Thank you, there are some very interesting insights from your Python code which I hadn't yet figured out from the disassembly.