Im not sure about that, sorry.
They may be very similar, as the internal structures of most GAL like devices seems to be quite similar - probably becuase they would have been competing against each other for sales of programmable logic, so had to at least offer the same basic product, and there are only so many ways to make such a thing work.
Unfortunatley its hard to know without access to a programmer that can program them, so that you could capture the sequence of pins toggling, voltage levels etc and compare between different vendors. Some people have done just this, and created open source programming software and hardware.
There is a thread on the EEVBlog forum where some people had discussed something like this, but Im struggling to find it or remember what it was called. If my memory hasnt completely failed (and I wouldnt rule that out!) it was something like OpenATF or ATFprog or something. It was specific to the Atmel ATF series, but it might give some clues about how the programming sequence works.