Hello after purchasing a Alinx AN108 Board I am trying to pass data from the ADC to the DAC as a simple null modem or loop through which I am using one of the two fpga dev boards that I bought to get thing working.
https://www.amazon.com/ARCELI-Altera-Cyclone-ES2C5T144-Board/dp/B07BVN2R7X or the
https://www.amazon.com/Module-Signal-Acquisition-Directly-pluggable-Development/dp/B07DFFQ9CSI tried to creating a divide by two counter to take in the global clock and divide it by two then pass that into the two AD/DA clock inputs. Then I tried to taking the input pins from the ADC and map them to the output pins on the DAC sequentially AD0 -> DA0... however I just get noise and a line on the output on a scope.
I just need some help getting started with some HDL design to make it operable if anyone could ad in assistance with a design for the clock, pinouts, or whatever is needed to pass traffic from one side to the other thank you.