Update: I am a massive idiot.
The entire problem was that I had pins for a 7-Seg-Display, named 7segA, 7segB etc...
When programming, that is not an issue. But when those are in a testbench, they end up as signals in an HDL file.
And, signal names starting with a number is, as we all know, a Big No No. One could have known that.
Hence, massive idiot.
It took me deleting the .vwf file and retrying, then I got a different error message, something with "no separator between string" something something, pointing to a .vwf.vht file. Once I opened that, sure enough, all my pins were reinterpreted as integers.
Now was that the original fault? I don't know. Possibly.
Was it a fault? Sure as hell was.
What did we learn? "Turning it off and on again", not just for confusers! Oh and stick to the bloody coding conventions.