Electronics > FPGA

Re-programming Secure Microchip ATF150x series CPLD devices

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I thought I'd best start a new thread for the Microchip parts versus the discussion here https://www.eevblog.com/forum/fpga/programming-(non-jtag)-max7000-devices about the MAX7000 devices.

What I'm wanting to be able to do is set the security fuse on Microchip ATF150x series parts, and then be able to erase and reprogram them using a JTAG programmer.

For JTAG programming I have been using the Microchip ATDH1150USB, and that works great for programming the parts in system. On designs where I've used some or all of the JTAG pins for general I/O, I've been careful to lay the board out in such a way that I can safely apply +12V to the OE1 pin - this allows the JTAG interface to be re-enabled for re-programming.

What I've not been able to do though is secure the design via the security fuse. Or at least I've not been able to reprogram a chip afterwards using the ATDH1150USB programmer. Even with +12V applied to OE1.

Thus I'm trying to work out the secret to this. Using my Xeltek 6100N with TQFP44 adapter I can secure a chip, and erase it, and reprogram it and re-secure over and over. But thats not a practical solution when the chip is soldered to a board. I'm also very curious as to how it does this and will have to put the logic analyser on it no doubt.

I noted that Xeltek do a dedicated ISP programmer (the IS01), so I sent them a support email to query whether this is possible using the IS01. I havent got to the bottom of that yet (they didn't answer that particular question) however they did send me information on the connections required for JTAG progamming ATF150x (attached as I'm unsure how to attach images inline).

I note that they do indeed include the OE1 pin (Vpp) on their header so I'm hopeful that this programmer might be able to do it. I've asked again the specific question as to whether it can reprogram a secured device so I'll see what they say. Its not a cheap programmer, but if it can do it then I may just have to get one. I'll report back my findings.

EDIT : For projects where the JTAG interface is dedicated (not used for general I/O) you can happily secure the device and reprogram over and over with the ATDT1150USB without the need for voltage on OE1 at all. The issue is when the JTAG has been reused for IO, and security enabled.

you had


who dealt with theses ...  seems obsoletes, you have some docs in the downloaded file,  the programmer was based on ftdi chip inside "2232" i think,   maybe the notes  can help

i dont have any schematics for now,  but we could program on board with no problems with the kanda interface  .. mostly  played with the atf1504 model

but as for security, we never locked it,  if it's possible ...

the pinout seems right,   do you need a target  vcc sense on the Xeltec ?  i had one on the Elnec  i had ??

To clarify, it is the ATDH1150USB-K that I have, which is still actively sold by Kanda, Mouser, etc.

You can set the security bit no problem with this programmer, but once set I've been unable to re-program the device. I'm hoping that it is possible with another JTAG programmer like the Xeltek ISP01.

If I de-solder the chip and drop it in my Xeltek 6100N I can reprogram it. So clearly the 6100N is doing something different to allow the device to be erased after security has been set. And perhaps its just something tricky with the OE1 pin (Vpp). I need to hook up a logic analyser to the 6100N but I'll see what Xeltek say about the capabilities of their IS01 programmer and whether it can re-program a device once security is set. If so then it's got to be the way the OE1 pin is driven that is key to it?

It’s been a while, but iirc the ATF15x used a svf playback, that it made from the Jed.

Did you check that has an erase command inserted ?

To be honest I'm unsure of the mechanics - I just use the Atmel ISP utility and load the JED and set it to program and verify. If I'm erasing the device first I just use erase, blankcheck,  and then program/verify as a separate command.

If security is set, erase does not work - nothing seems to work. But I will experiment some more with this. I'm waiting for a response from Xeltek about the IS01 capabilities.


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