As said above: in practice, it doesn't really matter and it could be very hard to model properly. Dynamic power draw is usually expressed as a function of clock frequency, not individual edges. And if you're asking, that would mean that you're considering cases where edges would not occur symmetrically - which would equate to a decreased average frequency. You get the idea. And on most CMOS ICs that are as large as an FPGA (except maybe on extremely old processes), below a given average frequency (most often at least a few MHz or higher), static power draw will dominate anyway.
I don't think there is anything much specific to Xilinx FPGAs. To estimate the relative power consumption of registers, I would probably model it as a function of the register's clock frequency AND the average clock frequency of each individual register bit. I would expect a given register to draw less power if it doesn't change values, or if it does so slower.
Xilinx tools include a power estimator, so feel free to use it. That could also be interesting to measure that directly with some test patterns. But I'm not sure you would see anything much except that generally speaking, the more signal toggles per unit of time, and the higher the power consumption...
In many FPGAs though, due to the way clocks are distributed, the overall power consumption is a function of the clock frequency and doesn't depend that much on the design unless you're using A LOT of logic cells or specific blocks such as memory controllers.
In the same vein, clock gating to lower power consumption may not always be trivial to do properly on FGPAs (some vendors publish app notes about how to write RTL to do clock gating).