Friendly greetings !
I'm a beginner, i haven't received my board yet and the lasts time i played with FPGA was a few years ago with Xilinx ISE and a bare Spartan-6 FPGA (with UART usb interface). It was a disaster
I'm back, with a proper dev board from Digilent and a much easier to use vivado.
So i'm playing with vivado in the meantime (webpack edition) and the block designs.
I like it, of course, and now i want to create my own block and IP and make my project (a 6502 computer, it's the end-goal, but i won't start with that).
Every single tutorial i watched to create blocks, they created AXI4 module.
I'm not really sure want AXI4 really is to be honest. To me, it just look like a protocol (+ some other convention) as a common interface to talk to the Zynq, Microblaze, and a bunch of IP so they are compatible to each-others.
But now i'm a bit confused, since all blocks used AXI4, does it mean i can't create useable block without using AXI4 ? it is a requirement ?
Should i bother with it because i'll be glad later in the future that my blocks use AXI4 ? Or because it will help me to design better reusable module at the cost of higher complexity ?
Or is it just Xilinx pushing marketing hype for AXI4 ?
The answer will be "it depends", probably. If i wanted to add a microblaze in my project i guess the answer would be "yes because you have to". But if i don't use a microblaze or a zynq ... ?
Of course, i don't really want to use AXI4 since i'm not even sure what it is in the first place. But if you tell i should use it... well... i will
PS : i triple checked the UART block that come with the board and it's an AXI block. So i have to have design at least 1 AXI module.
PPS : do i even make sense or did i completely misunderstood the whole axi stuff ? (it's highly probable)
thank you