Author Topic: Spartan3e with BPI flash  (Read 573 times)

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Spartan3e with BPI flash
« on: May 15, 2022, 08:30:36 pm »

i have a board with XC3S250e, with a paralel NOR flash glued on its BPI interface. I am trying to program this memory using Impact in ISE 14.7, created an MCS file from the binary using promgen, with with option -bpi_dc parallel, this was just OK (at least as far as i can tell )
But. Tried to add this flash image in Impact after initializing the chain, selected the above MCS file but it only allows me to select SPI PROM as a target device:
1487923-0" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

I could not really figure out why it does not allow me to select BPI memory, any ideas?


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