I built a module that emulates a DMD display from a pinball machine on a VGA monitor.
Device is based on Tang Nano 1K FPGA Module (GOWIN FPGA GW1N-1LV).
VGA ouput:
-16-bit RGB565 color(palette) depth, (only 4 colors displayed simultaneously)
- high-speed R-2R resistor ladder DAC (270/536Ohm)
- High-speed buffers (74ALVC245)
- 3 mode 800x600, 1024x768, 1152 X 864.
Everything works fine until I use colors that are different on all 16-bits (14/15-bit with some combinations), for example WHITE (0xFFFF) and BLACK (0x0000).
In such a situation, artifacts and problems with horizontal synchonization begin to appear on the screen.
If I select 0xFFDF and 0x0000 = OK, 0xFFFE and 0x0000 = OK, 0xF7FF and 0x0000 = artefacts.
Current FPGA I/O pin configuration: LVTTL33, SlewRate - Slow, Drive =4 mA (lowest possible)
With default configuration LVCMOS33, SlewRate-Fast, Drive=8mA the situation was much worse.
The problem occurs with all VGA resolutions.
I suppose the problem might be related to the power supply (spikes while switching multiple outputs simultaneously).
I powered output buffers powered from an additional stabilizer - No improvement
Converting 5V power from USB to laboratory power supply - No improvement
Additional capacitors at the stabilizers (I/O banks) - No improvement
Serial termination resistors (100 Ohm) between FPGA and output Buffer(ALVC245) - small improvment (Static image ok, but breaking synchronization with dynamic images).
Artifacts only appear on lines with full bit change.
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Schematic of Tang Nano Modue:
https://dl.sipeed.com/TANG/Nano/HDK/Tang-NANO-2704(Schematic).pdfR-2R Dac and driveres analogous to:
https://digilent.com/reference/_media/reference/pmod/pmodvga/pmodvga_sch.pdfAfter all attempts, the greatest improvement is when I change the I/O pin configuration - decrease pin Drive to 4 mA, lowest possible.
What else could I check and improve ?
Modifications on the Tang Nano module are difficult due to the very small SMD components .