Author Topic: Understanding Linear implementation of a round-robin arbiter  (Read 6041 times)

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Offline promachTopic starter

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Re: Understanding Linear implementation of a round-robin arbiter
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2019, 06:02:36 am »
Sorry , I will need to study figure 2.3 on my own then.

I am not doing any trolling here. Sorry again.
I am actually doing a personal research study on round-robin arbiter, hence what you meant by performance art.

Offline hamster_nz

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Re: Understanding Linear implementation of a round-robin arbiter
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2019, 10:16:23 am »
Sorry , I will need to study figure 2.3 on my own then.

I am not doing any trolling here. Sorry again.
I am actually doing a personal research study on round-robin arbiter, hence what you meant by performance art.

Sorry if I was a bit short - just wanted to say thanks because it got me to do my first FPGA project for a while, a 4-input Arbiter with two different modes:

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Offline promachTopic starter

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Re: Understanding Linear implementation of a round-robin arbiter
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2019, 02:46:57 pm »
I have just formally verified the arbiter architecture (Figure 2.3) given in the thesis.

1. Add more assert() formal coding for round-robin capability check
2. Investigate ways to reduce tcomb delay as described at the end of section 2.3 of the thesis
3. Includes the core ideas from Fast Arbiters for On-Chip Network Switches

Code: [Select]
// Credit : [url][/url]

module arbiter2 #(parameter WIDTH = 4) (clk, reset, req, grant);

input clk, reset;
input [WIDTH-1:0] req;
output [WIDTH-1:0] grant;

// 'grant' is one-hot vector, which means only one client request is granted/given green light to proceed
// note that 'base' is one-hot vector,
// 'base' signal helps round-robin arbiter to decide which 'req' to start servicing
reg [WIDTH-1:0] base;

always @(posedge clk)
if(reset) base <= 1;

else base <= (grant[WIDTH-1]) ? 1 : (grant == 0) ? base : ( grant << 1 );

wire [WIDTH-1:0] priority_in;
wire [(WIDTH << 1)-1:0] priority_out; // the two leftmost significant bit are left unused

wire [WIDTH-1:0] granting = req & priority_in;
wire [WIDTH-2:0] approval; // we only have (WIDTH-1) block F

genvar index;
for(index = 0; index < WIDTH; index = index + 1)
if(index == WIDTH-1) assign grant[index] = (reset) ? 0 : granting[index];

else assign grant[index] = (reset) ? 0 : ( granting[index] | approval[index] );

if(index < (WIDTH-1)) assign approval[index] = ( priority_out[index+WIDTH-1] & req[index] );

if(index > 0) assign priority_in[index] = ( base[index] | priority_out[index-1] );

else assign priority_in[index] = base[index];

genvar priority_index;
for(priority_index = 0; priority_index < (WIDTH << 1); priority_index = priority_index + 1)
begin : out_priority

if(priority_index < (WIDTH))
assign priority_out[priority_index] = (~req[priority_index]) & priority_in[priority_index];

else assign priority_out[priority_index] = (~req[priority_index-WIDTH]) & priority_out[priority_index-1];

`ifdef FORMAL

initial assume(reset);
initial assume(req == 0);  // only enable this assume() to test the cover() at line 100 properly

genvar grant_num;

for(grant_num = 0; grant_num < WIDTH; grant_num = grant_num + 1)

always @(*) cover(first_clock_had_passed && grant[grant_num]);  // covers grants to each of the clients' request


reg [WIDTH-1:0] req_previous;
always @(posedge clk) req_previous <= req;

always @(posedge clk) cover(!$past(reset) && (grant == 0)); // covers the ability to go to an idle state

// covers the ability to handle requests properly even with ALL requests ON
always @(posedge clk) cover((&$past(req_previous)) && (&$past(req)) && (&req) && first_clock_had_passed && $past(first_clock_had_passed) && ((grant & $past(req)) == grant));

reg [WIDTH-1:0] grant_previous;
always @(posedge clk) grant_previous <= grant;

always @(posedge clk) cover(grant != grant_previous); // covers the ability to switch grants to any other requests

always @(posedge clk) cover(first_clock_had_passed && $past(first_clock_had_passed) && (&req) && (req_previous == 4'b1100) && ($past(req_previous) == 4'b1011)); // covers round-robin ability

`ifdef FORMAL

reg first_clock_had_passed;
initial first_clock_had_passed = 0;

always @(posedge clk) first_clock_had_passed <= 1;

// [url][/url]
wire grant_is_one_hot = (grant != 0) && ((grant & (grant - 1)) == 0);
wire base_is_one_hot = (base != 0) && ((base & (base - 1)) == 0);

// assertions for round-robin capability
always @(*)
if(reset) assert(grant == 0);

else begin
if (|req) assert(grant_is_one_hot);

else assert(grant == 0);

always @(posedge clk)
// starts round-robin arbiter with req #0 getting prioritized first
if($past(reset)) assert(base == 1);

// 'grant' is a one-hot signal, but 'req' is not a one-hot signal
// 'base' is a one-hot signal which rotates
//  after the corresponding 'req' had been granted/given permission to proceed)
//  Rotation wraps around upon reaching MSB

else begin
assert(base == $past(grant[WIDTH-1]) ? 1 : ($past(grant) == 0) ? $past(base) : ($past(grant) << 1) );

genvar f_index;

for(f_index = 0; f_index < WIDTH; f_index = f_index + 1)
always @(*)
if(reset) assert( grant[f_index] == 0 );

else begin
if(f_index == WIDTH-1) assert( grant[f_index] == granting[f_index] );

else assert( grant[f_index] == ( granting[f_index] | approval[f_index] ) );

if(f_index < (WIDTH-1)) assert( approval[f_index] == ( priority_out[f_index+WIDTH-1] & req[f_index] ));

if(f_index > 0) assert( priority_in[f_index] == (base[f_index] | priority_out[f_index-1] ));

else assert( priority_in[f_index] == base[f_index] );


genvar f_priority_index;

for(f_priority_index = 0; f_priority_index < (WIDTH << 1); f_priority_index = f_priority_index + 1)
begin : out_priority
always @(*)
if(f_priority_index < (WIDTH))
assert( priority_out[f_priority_index] ==
((~req[f_priority_index]) & priority_in[f_priority_index]) );

else assert( priority_out[f_priority_index] ==
((~req[f_priority_index-WIDTH]) & priority_out[f_priority_index-1]) );



« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 04:28:37 pm by promach »

Offline promachTopic starter

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Re: Understanding Linear implementation of a round-robin arbiter
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2020, 03:33:52 am »
For Fast Arbiters for On-Chip Network Switches , what do you guys understand by GP and GR ?

« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 03:57:37 pm by promach »

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