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Sorry , I will need to study figure 2.3 on my own then.I am not doing any trolling here. Sorry again.I am actually doing a personal research study on round-robin arbiter, hence what you meant by performance art.
// Credit : [url]https://www.eevblog.com/forum/fpga/understanding-linear-implementation-of-a-round-robin-arbiter/[/url]module arbiter2 #(parameter WIDTH = 4) (clk, reset, req, grant);input clk, reset;input [WIDTH-1:0] req;output [WIDTH-1:0] grant; // 'grant' is one-hot vector, which means only one client request is granted/given green light to proceed// note that 'base' is one-hot vector, // 'base' signal helps round-robin arbiter to decide which 'req' to start servicingreg [WIDTH-1:0] base;always @(posedge clk)begin if(reset) base <= 1; else base <= (grant[WIDTH-1]) ? 1 : (grant == 0) ? base : ( grant << 1 );endwire [WIDTH-1:0] priority_in;wire [(WIDTH << 1)-1:0] priority_out; // the two leftmost significant bit are left unusedwire [WIDTH-1:0] granting = req & priority_in;wire [WIDTH-2:0] approval; // we only have (WIDTH-1) block Fgenvar index;generate for(index = 0; index < WIDTH; index = index + 1) begin if(index == WIDTH-1) assign grant[index] = (reset) ? 0 : granting[index]; else assign grant[index] = (reset) ? 0 : ( granting[index] | approval[index] ); if(index < (WIDTH-1)) assign approval[index] = ( priority_out[index+WIDTH-1] & req[index] ); if(index > 0) assign priority_in[index] = ( base[index] | priority_out[index-1] ); else assign priority_in[index] = base[index]; endendgenerategenvar priority_index;generate for(priority_index = 0; priority_index < (WIDTH << 1); priority_index = priority_index + 1) begin : out_priority if(priority_index < (WIDTH)) assign priority_out[priority_index] = (~req[priority_index]) & priority_in[priority_index]; else assign priority_out[priority_index] = (~req[priority_index-WIDTH]) & priority_out[priority_index-1]; endendgenerate`ifdef FORMALinitial assume(reset);initial assume(req == 0); // only enable this assume() to test the cover() at line 100 properlygenvar grant_num;generate for(grant_num = 0; grant_num < WIDTH; grant_num = grant_num + 1) always @(*) cover(first_clock_had_passed && grant[grant_num]); // covers grants to each of the clients' requestendgeneratereg [WIDTH-1:0] req_previous;always @(posedge clk) req_previous <= req;always @(posedge clk) cover(!$past(reset) && (grant == 0)); // covers the ability to go to an idle state// covers the ability to handle requests properly even with ALL requests ONalways @(posedge clk) cover((&$past(req_previous)) && (&$past(req)) && (&req) && first_clock_had_passed && $past(first_clock_had_passed) && ((grant & $past(req)) == grant)); reg [WIDTH-1:0] grant_previous;always @(posedge clk) grant_previous <= grant;always @(posedge clk) cover(grant != grant_previous); // covers the ability to switch grants to any other requestsalways @(posedge clk) cover(first_clock_had_passed && $past(first_clock_had_passed) && (&req) && (req_previous == 4'b1100) && ($past(req_previous) == 4'b1011)); // covers round-robin ability`endif`ifdef FORMALreg first_clock_had_passed;initial first_clock_had_passed = 0;always @(posedge clk) first_clock_had_passed <= 1;// [url]https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#DetermineIfPowerOf2[/url]wire grant_is_one_hot = (grant != 0) && ((grant & (grant - 1)) == 0);wire base_is_one_hot = (base != 0) && ((base & (base - 1)) == 0);// assertions for round-robin capabilityalways @(*)begin if(reset) assert(grant == 0); else begin if (|req) assert(grant_is_one_hot); else assert(grant == 0); endendalways @(posedge clk)begin if(first_clock_had_passed) begin // starts round-robin arbiter with req #0 getting prioritized first if($past(reset)) assert(base == 1); // 'grant' is a one-hot signal, but 'req' is not a one-hot signal // 'base' is a one-hot signal which rotates // after the corresponding 'req' had been granted/given permission to proceed) // Rotation wraps around upon reaching MSB else begin assert(base == $past(grant[WIDTH-1]) ? 1 : ($past(grant) == 0) ? $past(base) : ($past(grant) << 1) ); assert(base_is_one_hot); end endendgenvar f_index;generate for(f_index = 0; f_index < WIDTH; f_index = f_index + 1) begin always @(*) begin if(reset) assert( grant[f_index] == 0 ); else begin if(f_index == WIDTH-1) assert( grant[f_index] == granting[f_index] ); else assert( grant[f_index] == ( granting[f_index] | approval[f_index] ) ); end if(f_index < (WIDTH-1)) assert( approval[f_index] == ( priority_out[f_index+WIDTH-1] & req[f_index] )); if(f_index > 0) assert( priority_in[f_index] == (base[f_index] | priority_out[f_index-1] )); else assert( priority_in[f_index] == base[f_index] ); end endendgenerategenvar f_priority_index;generate for(f_priority_index = 0; f_priority_index < (WIDTH << 1); f_priority_index = f_priority_index + 1) begin : out_priority always @(*) begin if(f_priority_index < (WIDTH)) assert( priority_out[f_priority_index] == ((~req[f_priority_index]) & priority_in[f_priority_index]) ); else assert( priority_out[f_priority_index] == ((~req[f_priority_index-WIDTH]) & priority_out[f_priority_index-1]) ); end endendgenerate`endifendmodule