I'm also not a big fan of those non-standard HDLs, but as SiFive started it (I think), a number of open-source RISC-V cores are written with SpinalHDL, so I can understand why some would like to reuse that.
SpinalHDL has nothing to do with SiFive. They use Chisel, which was first released three years before SiFive was founded.
The advantages of Chisel over Verilog are similar to the advantages of C over assembly language. Chisel produces an IL called FIRRTL (Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL). The FIRRTL can be fed through various tools, including the CIRCT optimiser (which uses LLVM, with involvement from Chris Lattner, especially in the period when he worked for SiFive). The tools can optimise the HDL for different targets e.g. FPGA vs ASIC, and can output different formats e.g. Verilog or VHDL.
High level design languages such as Chisel and SpinalHDL make it much easier to manipulate your design, and things such as modifying which things are in which pipe stage is a prime example of that -- in much the same way that it's far easier to combine / split / inline functions in C than in asm.
Can you get better results in asm or Verilog? Sure, given enough people and time, both of which are in short supply, especially as µarch get more complex.
Resisting the use of Chisel (and to a lesser extent others) now is about as short-sighted as refusing to use C on a VAX or 68k or MIPS in the 1980s. Using Chisel is a huge part of the reason SiFive has been able to go from cores comparable to ARM7TDMI (e.g. E31) to comparable to Cortex-X2/X3 (with designs similar to M0, M3, M4, M7, A35, A55, A72, A76, A78 falling out along the way) in seven years vs the thirty years it took Arm, with 10% as many employees.