I found an easy way to seriously heat up any 7 series FPGA - just overclock their BUFGs, load design into FPGA and watch Tj skyrocket! Even A35T will get 70°C+ without heatsink if I run my 1080p HDMI out design (which overclocks a single BUFG to 742.5 MHz that's specced to 628 MHz for -2 speed grade), and the S50 chip from the board in my signature get into 60°C+ even with a small heatsink (without it the chip went into 90°C+ before I intervened to reset the design).
Part of the reason is that these boards are quite small, so FPGA can't sink a lot of heat into the board (The Rtjb of FTG-style packages is a lot smaller than Rtja), especially when it has to "compete" with DC-DC converters which also sink heat into the board.