Electronics > FPGA

Xilinx ISE 14.7 - IMPACT is a disaster

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I don't know what I've been doing that is so special. I've used ISE 14.7 on Windows 7 with a clone Xilinx USB cable. I've programmed CPLDs, Spartan 3, Spartan 6 and Virtex 5 parts in various sizes, various flash chips, it's not the most intuitive interface but it has always worked.

I have not find most of the issues you posted. May be a different way to use the program, as you have pointed out.

In fact, I miss the simplicity from Impact. You could just open Impact and program the device, without opening ISE. For Vivado, there isnĀ“t this kind of option.

--- Quote ---8 years old, with a last post with the exact same problem dating 2021. With absolutely no solution or workaround, apart from redoing the configuration every time, as I also noted. Good lord.
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ISE 14.7 will not receive any updates, it is an EoL software without support. Xilinx clearly states this.

About you issues, I wonder if this is not related to newer Windows versions.

Have you tried it in Linux? I heard that ISE works better in there. I know that Vivado/Vitis do work better in Linux, which is why I moved my HW/FW development to Ubuntu.


--- Quote from: asmi on March 27, 2023, 02:42:28 pm ---Have you tried it in Linux? I heard that ISE works better in there. I know that Vivado/Vitis do work better in Linux, which is why I moved my HW/FW development to Ubuntu.

--- End quote ---

I've tried ISE in Linux a while back and it works fine, but it also works fine on my Win 7 workstation anyway. But I'm also in the process of moving almost everything to Linux.
Haven't tried iMPACT on Linux yet though.

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with xc3sprog in the end. It's ultra lightweight, it just works, it's fast, it's command-line so can be easily automated. I highly recommend it.
And it runs both on Windows and Linux. So what's not to like. :-+


--- Quote ---OK, I managed to use xc3sprog. ;D
--- End quote ---

I would like to program an old Xilinx CPLD (XCR3032XL), however I do not have a .bit file but rather an ipf/jed one.
How would you use xc3sprog with such files? Can I use Xilinx platform cable usb II?

Thank you


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