Author Topic: Quartus / QSYS - WSL  (Read 1513 times)

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Quartus / QSYS - WSL
« on: January 25, 2020, 04:05:56 am »
Spent the morning making a small change in QSYS (should have been small anyway) but regeneration a QSYS project failed.

1. RLDRAM II Memory Controller
You may experience the above error when generating a UniPHY-based memory controller. The error occurs because one of the system environment variables 'TEMP' points to a network drive and not a local drive.

OK, don't remember that being a problem but whatever... Edit the ENV's and reboot....

Error compilation of the sequencer microcode when generating the External Memory Interface UniPHY IP
This issue occurs when the PC Windows Subsystem for Linux parameter is enabled and a bash.exe process is seen in Windows Task Manager

This problem is scheduled to be fixed in a future version of the Intel Quartus Prime software.

Quartus 19 Lite is only available on Linux.

Another reboot latter + a morning wasted rebuilding the QSYS and Quartus project it compiles.

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