Author Topic: How to start with FPGA? Replacement for STK673-010.  (Read 1037 times)

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Offline rtek1000Topic starter

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How to start with FPGA? Replacement for STK673-010.
« on: January 04, 2021, 02:01:55 am »

I'm thinking about how to start using FPGA to support 3 circuits equivalent to the electronic diagram in the attached image, based around the 74HC191 counter. I found a post about the EPM3032A, but I would like to know if anyone can tell if this EPM3023A is enough for this job.

I posted a while ago about this STK673-010, but I still haven't been successful, so I saw that the manufacturer of the board that uses this STK673 replaced the STK with a board with an FPGA. But I don't have access to these new boards at the moment.

Basically this STK is a micro-stepping motor driver, with 12 steps of current. But it is for 3-phase motor, type BLDC without feedback sensor.

I managed to get the similar operation with an STM32F103C8T6, but I would like to avoid using a microcontroller.

I also need a 63kHz output for synchronizing the output PWM. I thought about using a PWM controller in current mode.

I noticed that this STM32F103C8T6 can do the job with the 50kHz clock signal that the STK673 must support.

I have a Segger J-Link V8 J-tag programmer, I would like to know if it is compatible with the EPM3032A, I saw that the software to be used is Quartus II.

I would like to avoid a lot of problems when installing a lot of software and spend many hours looking for something about it, because I have already spent many hours with other microcontrollers. If anyone who really understands the subject and can give me any tips, I appreciate it.

Thank you.

Offline Scrts

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Re: How to start with FPGA? Replacement for STK673-010.
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2021, 03:29:58 am »
Should be sufficient, but how about you try it yourself?
Download Quartus, create a new project, select your desired device and design your logic in a schematic editor. Here's an example:

Then synthesize and see the results.

Offline bingo600

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Re: How to start with FPGA? Replacement for STK673-010.
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2021, 02:28:59 pm »
You would need an Altera USB Blaster clone for programming the CPLD.
But that's around $4..5 on ebay

If you can use 3.3v logic i'd recommend the EPM240 board , easy to use.  (It is NOT 5v compatible , but due to the onboard LDO it can be powered by 5v)
The EPM240 allows for larger designs , and you can port the design to a 3xxx with a few clicks.

Get the blue EPM240 board , not the red ... Red has lousy layout & decoupling.

Remember to download Quartus 13.0.1.SP1    - NOT any later (Latest for MAX3xxx)

The cheap clone USB Blaster works fine "directly" on Linux , and i suppose Win too.

But i can't get it to work in VirtualBox.
For Vbox i have a "Real" USB Blaster clone 100% Altera hw compatible, and that one works.



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Re: How to start with FPGA? Replacement for STK673-010.
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2021, 02:58:54 pm »
Remember to download Quartus 13.0.1.SP1    - NOT any later (Latest for MAX3xxx)
Not any earlier than Quartus 12.0.0.SP2  if you are using a 64bit OS.  The USB programmer crashes.  Though, Quartus 9.1.sp2 is the last one to have good a built in waveform editor and simulator.  I use the 9.1 to simulate & 12.0 for programming.

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