My opinion about Linux and his LTT staff is great at the moment.
Windows 10 is pure garbage
That's the reason why I didn't buy the Zephyrus laptop.
I seriously love it, it's years and years ahead of every Mabook/Pro I have ever tried. Unfortunately, it doesn't run MacOS, and I do not trust Hackintosh for professional business, hence ... no way, even if with some regret.
I tried it for two days with both Windows10 and Linux.
I tried several VideoEditing applications on Linux Arch and none resulted good enough. I mean acceptable if you are a hobbyist, but not for professional business, and in my case, I seriously have to daily consider that I will have to give the loan back to the bank.
Then I tried Windows10 with Premiere and DaVinci: they are not for me, and Windows10 is not even close at meeting my expectations.
Hence I confirmed the Mac.
I found that if you order a customized machine, for instance, with maxed out spec, form the Apple Store website then you cannot give it back "without legal troubles" unless it's defective, but if you order a customized mac from Amazon you can do it easily.