since the persistence of the thread let me chime in... i'm a fan of wireless keyboard + mouse set, i never look back to wired setup, so when i buy a mouse i buy the keyboard too as a set. i once owned a4tech and now on Gigabyte GK-K7500 for many years, after countless number of fix and repair on mouse switches and keyboard flex traces. its less ideal for me since the keyboard is ANSI type (small) "Enter" key (with "\" key on top), as a casual programmer and having learnt muscle memory from old bar type (big) Enter key, i find myself always hitting the "\" key instead of "Enter", so the next time i search for new wireless set, it should be at least Bar type or ISO type. i have 2 wireless set ready in stock bought at separate time span (one is Genius SlimStar 8010, one is HK6500 China), because i find this Gigabyte soon will one day FUBAR. but i got stuck with this less ideal GK-K7500's why? because of the fucking rotary sound/volume wheel, its just fucking good i cant get rid of it, my soul will be dependent on it when watching movie or listen to youtube or songs, so i'm using it to the last blood.
its not produced anymore so i struggled to find new/latest model that has the same of good as the 7500's wheel (ISO layout) to no success, however expensive the model brand is. so i just buy the closest i can get to my desire/spec (big/ISO Enter key and a volume wheel) now vol+ and vol- keys is pretty common, less good than a wheel, buts its better than nothing. remember i already have 2 sets in stock (ISO layout) but i still hesitated to get rid of this old K7500 due to its volume wheel (albeit less than ideal for programmer/typist ANSI layout). brand like Logitech doesnt provide ISO layout so they are thrown away out of radar, ironically the best brand that i can find closest to my spec is China cheapy wireless brand
(attached) should be good for game (colored AWSD) and has vol+ vol- keys. although, many china wireless brand still provide ANSI layout
nevermind the destructible mouse, i never found one. the fix is opening it up, tearing the microswitches apart and cleaning them myself, and glue them back together is the best i can get, but it probably works only for me, everybody else maybe different, so ymmv. so i think, when choosing a mouse, just choose whatever you can enjoy for a shortwhile, and when they die, just buy another one, they are cheap like dirt and expendable.
(ps: an owner of Gigabyte dedicated mouse ECO600 and 6 sets of PS/2 keyboards and mouses in stock beside those 2 wireless sets.. to prepare for the end of the world