Products > Computers

AMD Ryzen MB with IPMI/KVM support


I'm looking <subj> and able to find only ASRock X470D4U with some mixed reviews  :-//

Ideally, IPMI/KVM without Java  :horse:  remote consoles...

These are still rare beasts, any recommendations welcome.

Mr Evil:
Since Ryzen is intended for desktop use, it's surprising that there is even a single MB with IPMI. Epyc is the CPU you want if you need IPMI.

Tyan announced they were going to make one, the AM4 Tomcat EX S8015S but seems awol.

Here's the Threadripper version

EPYC standard or embedded with MB as well as Threadripper are out of the equation,
I'm after a budget build, similar to Intel Xeon E3 or equivalent, thought a low cost Ryzen 3/5 sufficient enough

ASUS made some nice boards in a past
and extra card give KVM option

Not sure why nobody bother to do something similar yet for Ryzen world :-//

ASRock has two IPMI boards based on X470 and X570 (actually, four - another two w/10G LAN on board)


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