Well, haven't looked with a dedicated meter, so I'm basing the following on what my UPS reports. Probably good enough here.
On idle, my workstation + LCD monitor (both are on the UPS) draw something like 130W-140W. Yes this is big for idling. On light load, the figure doesn't go up a lot. Maybe around 150W.
On full load, that's another story. Never looked at the consumption when the CPU was at 100% and the GPU under full load, but for 100% CPU alone (and moderate graphics use), it goes up to 300W or so. With 100% GPU use, I'd expect close to 450W. But my GPU is modest.
Main components: Core i7-5930K@4.4GHz, 64GB DDR4 RAM, NVidia GTX1060 GPU, an additional Firewire PCIe card, 2 SSDs, Asus X99 deluxe motherboard...